I think of these pieces as video meditations. They are like moving stills. By keeping the camera position fixed, the motion of the subject is highlighted: the dancing of flames, the rushing of water, swimming ducks and the rippling surface of a pond. By editing without concern for beginning or end, then looping the videos, I isolate the moving images from a sense of time as progression and place them in a perpetual now. Not all of the videos have audio. Instead, one track may accompany multiple videos. For instance, the crashing sound of water falling in The way it is is the way it will be might fill the exhibition space where Immemorial and Liminal are also looping. As the video is scalable and the audio reconfigurable, different iterations are possible. The combinations reveal the beauty and mystery of the natural world. They have the power to mesmerize, to remove the viewer from individual consciousness and envelope them within the scale of nature and its processes.
Click below to listen to the artist speak about The way it is is the way it will be.
Video excerpt
Video excerpt